Grentor SM

Grentor Social Media Analytics

Grentor Social Media Analytics helps users track the social media performance of campaigns, do sentiment analysis, and understand customer demographics better. It helps brands optimize reach, and collects data from multiple social media channels, including blogs, forums, and integrated dashboards.

Information can be analyzed based on keyword density and the platform has a dedicated interface that allows users to view customer’s historical conversations for better trend monitoring and engagement.




Authentrica allows enterprises to conduct business transactions in secure and seamless ways by leveraging cutting-edge authentication protocols. It is powered by CERF and uses adaptive multi-factor authentication to boost security and retrieves in-depth insights from millions of end users.

Enjoy seamless integrations, cybersecurity, thumbprint/facial recognition, and streamline your identity management workflows today. Monitor network data patterns and eliminate all vulnerabilities to keep your business protected. Authentrica is scalable, secure, multi-channel, and cost-effective!



Consentica Social Media Analytics

Customers love it when you ask for their consent before marketing products and services. Consentica lets you take full control of your CMP, achieves legal compliance, and collects consent across every channel of communication. Get customer consent across a range of mediums such as SMS, email, Whatsapp, and more. Make reliable audit trails, improve customer lifecycle journeys, and offer highly personalized and empathetic user experiences.

Build customer trust and keep it for life by using Consentica today.



Omnichannel Engagement is Key to Customer Acquisition

Omnichannel engagement is key to customer acquisition and helps businesses boost loyalty rates. CPaaS+ enables excellent customer service and reaches customers at their preferred channels of communications, engaging them with contextually relevant experiences. It offers features such as hosted contact centers, CRM integration, chatbots, social media management, email newsletters, SMS and video marketing campaigns, and much more.

Enhance your business revenue and improve your product portfolio offerings by using CPaaS+ today.
